Saturday, November 6, 2010

He's got the whole world in His hands.

"Have mercy on me, Oh God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until this violent storm is passed (Psalm 57:1).

Yesterday we woke with the news that hurricane Tomas was heading our way. We started to move materials into safer places. We put down the tent that would surely fly away, and made other preparations for the storm. By the afternoon, the rain had stopped, and the wind had slowed down. We checked the 'hurricane watch' on the net, and it had turned North! Praise the Lord.

Last night while watching a movie, we thought we heard an airplane flying outside. As we went outside to listen, we realized it was the winds from the storm. Where we were sitting not even one leaf was moving in the trees, it was totally still. But we heard the storm raging nearby. God gave Becca the verse above to trust in and meditate on. Praise the Lord, the storm has passed and all is intact. We must remember to pray for those who did get hit by the hurricane and the floods as well. For those living in tents the rain can surely be too much, Lord have mercy on them.

So back to our 'normal schedule.' The medical clinic is busy today and they are treating many patients. I am currently preparing to speak tomorrow at church. I just hope that it doesn't rain, and we can have church. If it rains here, people like to stay home. It gets too muddy and not many people have umbrellas. Rain days here are comparable to really cold, snow days back in Canada (the prairies that is :). So if God wants church to happen tomorrow, he will hold back the rain.

Our time here is going by so fast, and it is hard to keep track of all that we've done or are going to do. We've learned that the only constant we have is change (besides God's unchanging faithfulness and goodness in our lives :). So we live each day asking God to allow us to serve, and continue to be flexible to whatever the day will bring about. One day it is sunny the next a hurricane is threatening. But through it all we are learning to trust in Him who brought us here. What a blessed time it is!
Check Spelling
In His Service,
Chris Girvan.

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