Thursday, November 11, 2010


It's a beautiful sunny day here in Haiti. Blue sky and a cool breeze wow can't get any better than this. I am thankful for the cooler nights and days that the winter months bring.

So here we are in the midst of the medical clinic. Overall it's been going really well. The threat of the hurricane last week really kept people away but this week the people are coming. The whole downstairs of the compound is turned into a clinic. They have a pharmacy room, storage room and 2 check up rooms. Our office is in the midst of it all so we've converted our bedroom into a makeshift office for the moment. It's just to busy with people walking by and I don't want to be in the way.

The way the clinic works is we give out tickets for each day. 20 tickets per hour, 8-11 and 1-3. So the doctors and nurses are seeing about 120 patients a day. The people are supposed to come at the hour it says on the ticket but, they don't always come on time, so that creates a bit of a wait. Most of the people are treated for illness. We don't see very many injuries. Lots of babies come and they are super cute. Yesterday we had a lady come to the clinic who was experiencing chest and breast pain. The doctors found that she has cancer and there is nothing they can do for her. So Marc Lisa Geanne and I prayed with her. I can only hope that she left with peace in her heart from the Lord. It was intense.

The medical clinic continues to progress. There is now one whole room/section installed. It looks pretty good, I will get a couple new pictures on the blog tomorrow. The school is finished being painted and it looks really sharp. It is really encouraging to see all the progress and changes around here. It's exciting to be a part of this ministry. Challenging too as we all face trials during the day. We are finding that these trials are truly character shaping as often our true colors come out. We find out where we need God's help and then ask him for his mercy to do the work in our lives. I am also learning I need to be willing to have God work in my life and not just pray or say the words.

Since today is Remembrance Day in Canada we are going to have a service here in about 15 min. The team really wants to do something to remember. I think that's great because last year we were in Korea and didn't really think about it at all. I just have to say I am thankful for being born and raised in Canada. We have so much freedom and things to be thankful for there. Truly blessed! :)

Well that's all for today.

Thanks for reading!


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