Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A rainy day in Haiti

It's raining so I thought it's a perfect time to update the blog. We are doing well and would like to share a few things about the past week. On Saturday we started teaching English. It was definitely a good challenge as all the students levels were mixed together. Next Saturday we will divide the group into two so that we can manage it better.
Also yesterday we started an English camp for the kids from church. I think about 50 came. It's funny when you announce "children's" camp in church you end up with "kids" ages 2-17. With some improvisation and prayer I have to say it went well for a first try. I really just wanted to get a feel for how the Haitian children behave and respond to learning English. They enjoyed it and were really enthusiastic, well.... most of them. :) We are doing it again on Wednesday and then probably again next week. It's amazing what you can do with a chalkboard and energy!~ Oh yes and we said come at 9am and well we actually didn't start until 9:45 because it took a while for everyone to show up. That's something we still have to get used to, that when you say 9 o'clock it means that's when people start getting ready to come and by ten most people will be there.
There has not been to much action on the property this week. The elementary school is getting closer to being ready for classes on October 4. The teachers had meetings here last week for preparations and orientation. It was neat to meet some of them and chat about the upcoming school year. Many of them could speak some English. We look forward to helping with recess time as I hope to plan some sort of exercise activities and games!~
Kreyol is going okay, I feel like I've hit a road block for studying like I can't learn anything else at the moment but i know that's not true. We have very patient staff and teachers so that really helps. Please continue to pray for us there.
Seen all kinds of creepy crawly flying things lately. Some I've never heard of before. It's definitely interesting. The cat we have here entertains us by playing and eating the various creepy crawly flying things. I guess they have some kind of fire fly type bug too because when we shut the lights off last night we saw this little light flying around our room!
Well that about tells all our adventures lately, thanks for reading.
Blessings from Him through whom all things flow.
Rebecca Girvan

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about you "roadblock" in learning Creole. I am studying to be a teacher (so I learn alot about how we learn) and I read alot of neuroscience books for enjoyment about how the brain learns. Usually when you reach a "roadblock" like you have described, the brain is simply consolidating the information you have previously learned making it more permanent. When this consolidation period ends you will be able to build upon what was "constructed" and reach higher places in your learning creole. So basically, don't be discouraged. God Bless you in Haiti. It looks like I might make it there in Feb, so when the time gets closer you should email me a wishlist of items from Canada.
