Monday, October 4, 2010

October is here~

Today is Monday, the start of another week of adventure. Let's just say that last week we were singing the song rain rain go away come again another day. It rained on and off all week so we didn't have church, Bible study, or kids English class. Instead we had lots of mud on our wet feet and rivers running through the property. But the fence did get put up around the elementary school so that was an accomplishment.
Elementary school starts next Monday along with putting up the big vinyl tent. As that has been delayed by the rainy days of last week. Next Tuesday a team of 4 men are coming down to do some construction projects. So next week looks like the start of some serious busyness around here.

Yesterday Chris had the privilege of preaching in church. By God's grace it went over really well. He spoke about the certainty of God's promises and how God never lies and that we can trust in Him completely, no matter what situation we are in. We looked at a bunch of promises from the Bible that we have in Christ. Encouraging for me to hear a sermon in English. We have had our sermons translated for us but it's not the same as being able to listen and hear in your own language.
We also went to the beach yesterday but it was really crowded and didn't have the best vibe. We usually go on Saturday and it's much quieter then. This weekend and today there is a celebration for the city of Grand Goave. So there are lots of people around and parties happening. I think today we are going to go and see some activities that are happening in the town.

I think I mentioned about hitting a road block in studying Kreyol in my last blog entry. Well we (I)seem to be excited again as we have all this new vocab to learn and I've been able to talk with a lot of kids. It's funny how I have these crazy expectations to be able to be speaking really well by now. Ridiculous I know, we haven't even been here a full 2 months yet and we do know quite a bit.

We are looking forward to the return of Marc and Lisa and all the teams that are coming. It's going to change everything around here so much. I am thankful for this time we've had to get to know people and get adjusted to the climate. I remember I wasn't looking forward to this time, but God knows what we need and He's been our sustainer even through the tough weeks when it felt like we weren't contributing in any way. God is good and we always need to remember this truth.

Thanks for reading today~

1 comment:

  1. Hello you two wonderful people....

    I love your blog, makes me feel like I am right there with you, I look for it every day, but then I realize that you are busy, and so I will be content with once a week (or so).
    Thanks for keeping the home fires burning while Marc and Lisa are away ...Blessings....Claire
