Saturday, February 1, 2014

Returning together at last!

Time to resurrect our blog and tell you all that Chris and I are finally returning to Haiti this April. We've both gone back on 2 separate trips over the past couple years, but there's nothing like going together. What makes this trip even more special is bringing our sweet baby girl Gabrielle (she will be 18 months) with us. I know many of our Haitian friends will be delighted to meet her. We want to bring her to get a glimpse of what it would be like to be in Haiti with a child, as we consider long term missions in the future. We will be bringing friends of ours from our new church family in Innisfail, AB to come and see Haiti. And worship along side our Haitian brothers and sisters. We are going to be updating the Education Fund and participating in a youth conference. Plus many more adventures and times of reconnecting with old friends. My heart feels excited and happy as I think about this upcoming trip. Looking forward to telling our story as we get ready to go and while we are down there!


  1. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you as you go to Haitai, our prayers will go with you also! May the Lord give you His eyes to see and his love to pour out!
    Love, 3 Sessoms in Nepal

  2. So excited for you guys and can't wait to hear about your adventures there :) Love you,

